Evergreen Disclaimer
This report, dated 2 February 2024, expires when the initial offer closes or after 12 months or if there are any material changes in relation to the information contained in this report or any disclosure or offer document issued in relation to this offer.
This report was not prepared for inclusion in any offer document and investors must only rely on information contained in the offer document and other associated information. We reserve the right to change its opinion, ratings and/or withdraw the report at any time on reasonable grounds.
Evergreen Ratings Pty Ltd (ABN 91 643 905 257) (‘Evergreen Ratings’) is Authorised Representative 001283552 of Evergreen Fund Managers Pty Ltd trading as Evergreen Consultants (ABN 75 602 703 202, AFSL 486275). The group of companies is known as ‘Evergreen’.
Evergreen is authorised to provide general advice to wholesale clients only. The report is only available to wholesale clients. Any advice provided in this report is general advice only and does not consider the objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. It is not a recommendation to purchase, redeem or sell this particular product (Product). Before making an investment decision the reader must consider his or her financial circumstances or seek personal financial advice on its appropriateness.
The reader should read the offer document for the Product before making any decision about whether to acquire the Product. This report is intended to assist the reader in evaluating the Product. It is not intended to serve as a substitute to the reader exercising their own independent judgment and the reader should not seek to rely exclusively on this report in assessing the Product for their own purposes.
Evergreen Ratings receives a fee for the preparation of this Report, from either the fund manager, issuer or distribution partner of the Product. The fee received is not linked to the outcome of this report. Evergreen does not hold the financial product referred to in this document. Evergreen Ratings uses a formal methodology for the assessment of funds. This methodology considers both qualitative and quantitative factors. A copy of the methodology is available upon request.
Evergreen Consultants provides investment consulting services including model management, approved product lists and other financial advice. Any potential Conflict of Interest is managed through our Conflict of Interest Policy, a copy of which is available at https://evergreenratings.com.au/ This report is current as at the date of issue.
Evergreen Ratings assumes no obligation to update the document following publication. The information contained in this report has been prepared in good faith and is believed to be reliable at the time it was prepared. No representation, warranty or undertaking is given or made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in this report.
Evergreen Ratings reserves the right to withdraw the document at any time and discontinue future coverage of the Product. Financial conclusions, ratings and advice are reasonably held at the time of completion of the report but subject to change without notice.
This document is for the exclusive use of the person to whom it is provided by Evergreen Ratings and must not be used or relied upon by any other person without the consent of Evergreen Ratings. Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, Evergreen Ratings, its directors, officers, employees and agents disclaim all liability, whether direct or indirect for any error or inaccuracy in, misstatement or omission from, this document or any loss or damage suffered by the reader or any other person as a consequence of relying upon it. Past performance is not an indication of future performance.
Evergreen Ratings has charged Barwon Investment Partners Pty Limited a fee to produce this report. The report has been authorised by Angela Ashton on 2 February 2024. © 2024 Evergreen Ratings Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. This report may also contain third party material that is subject to copyright. Any unauthorised reproduction of this information is prohibited.