Barwon has been investing in listed global private equity since 2006, providing wholesale investors with a high performing portfolio of private equity investments in a fee efficient manner whilst offering daily liquidity. The Fund has returned 14.9% p.a. over the past 10 years and is available on various Australian platforms.
In this webinar, Barwon Investment Partners Portfolio Managers, James Brown and Bob Liu, discuss the Fund’s current positioning, performance and key insights in the private equity sector.
They are joined by Ryan Faulkingham, CFO of Compass Diversified Holdings (CODI) which is an investee company who discusses:
- CODI’s approach to investing and owning businesses;
- The current market trends in US middle market companies; and
- The challenges and opportunities in the current portfolio.
Watch the webinar recording here. If you would like to receive 1 hour FPA CPD certification, please email